Contact:Miss Cheng
Business phone: 13123456788
Business Q:1781223456
For office space, maintaining appropriate privacy is important, and so to avoid interference by external staff due to distraction. For example, in an open office section, the office staff of telephone ringing and conversation will be other people to hear the amount, causing office workers do not own the right to privacy (in a meeting time will encounter such a situation ). Open office space, if someone sent a particularly large sound, then other people will therefore be disturbed. This sounds exaggerated, but in practice, people often have to wear earplugs to avoid external interference.
Thus, in the office, maintaining appropriate privacy is very necessary. Also, some office staff person at an open office environment often feel uncomfortable, because they will feel that they are often in people under surveillance. Although you can use an ordinary small single room to ensure that office workers can have enough privacy, but this effect is not ideal. Not only because such a small single room looks very monotonous, and they can not effectively shield the office noise, thus avoiding interference while employees are distracted they do nothing on this issue. In addition, each office staff individually separated from this method also has the problem, although you can hear each other's voices among employees, but can not see each other each other, over time, they will be more to rely on e-mail to communicate with each other is not conversation, which will reduce the ability to communicate between employees.
Use office partition method does not require the establishment of a fixed wall, you can divide the entire office to get some separate compartments. Although removing or moving this cubicle, experienced workers are required to complete to do, but because of this compartment is not fixed, it is fixed to the walls of those entities is much easier than building. Moreover, if in need of rehabilitation or expansion of office, the use of office partition compartments can be set up flexibly change, very convenient. In the office partition, you can use a variety of materials to build office cubicles. Among them, the use of glass panels to build office cubicles effects are particularly good. Because there is light in the environment, through the glass to determine whether someone in the office, who has.
Used to build a wall of glass cubicle, its stylish and contemporary twist. And the outer wall glass also contains color and style. Such a cubicle with a panache and cultural atmosphere built many other materials do not have the office cubicles. The design and the company's brand image is very match, people seem very pleasing. Although some companies have placed screens and other methods to divide the office into separate compartments, but the effect is thoroughly unsatisfactory. First, the formation of such a cubicle is very unstable and can not effectively deal with interference from the office by the noise, light and other brings. In addition, such structures cubicle people will look very inconsistent, it is not suitable for use in the workplace. Therefore, the best method is to use office partitions, according to the actual needs of the office staff, the office is divided into different cubicle. Using wall glass and other materials to build a cubicle wall not only looks very beautiful, and durable. Therefore, with respect to the other programs, the use of office partitions to build office cubicles effect is the best
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